Top 5 Articles by Jennifer Meyer in 2020
We celebrate the end of the year with our Top 5 “Most-Read” Articles, written by STWS Advisor Jennifer Meyer, in 2020
Federal Retirement Benefits
We celebrate the end of the year with our Top 5 “Most-Read” Articles, written by STWS Advisor Jennifer Meyer, in 2020
We celebrate the end of the year with our Top 5 “Most-Read” FEDZONE Articles in 2020
We celebrate the end of the year with our Top 5 “Most-Listened-To” Podcasts in 2020
STWS Advisor Jennifer Meyer provides an update for feds on the payroll tax deferral and the second stimulus check
FEGLI, who isn't eligible for it? Info for Federal Employees
Thanks to 2006 legislation, it is possible to rollover funds from an IRA to an HSA – Buy Why Would Anyone Want To?
Now is the Time for Employees to Choose 2021 TSP Contribution Amounts So As to Not Lose Agency TSP Matching
December May Be a Good Time to Perform a Roth IRA Conversion Under Certain Conditions
NAPA and NTEU Released a joint statement to persuade the incoming Biden presidency to bolster relationship between Civil Servants and the Executive Branch.
This article was originally published March 15, 2019 If you’re younger than 60, have accrued 10 or more years of service in FERS, but less than 30, retiring and starting…